As a lay woman, Nano Nagle developed her vision and passion for the poorest of society and a desire for a more compassionate world. As a lay person, and later as a religious Sister, the pattern of her life was the movement from action or service to contemplation and back again to action or service. This became a hallmark of the religious Congregation she later founded, the Presentation Sisters.
Nano inspired others to do similar work as she had in Cork in her own day. Today, Nano continues to inspire people around the world. Women and men of various cultures, languages, races, faith traditions, and age levels are catching the spark of Nano’s spirituality and charism, her vison and mission. Inspired by the spirit of Nano, they form groups in their own local areas.
The International Lay Movement for Mission is made up of Presentation Associates and Friends of Nano.
There are several Pathways to following in the footsteps of Nano Nagle today. It God who calls to each of these pathways. One can to choose one of two pathways as a lay person – either to become an Associate of the Presentation Sisters (Union) or a Friend of Nano with a link to the Presentation Sisters (Union). Together, lay persons who choose to follow in the footsteps of Nano Nagle or who have caught the spark of her charism comprise an international network called the International Presentation Lay Movement for Mission. Another pathway is to choose the path of religious life by becoming a Presentation Sister.
Pathways to following in the footsteps of Nano Nagle
Read below by clicking the links

International Presentation Lay Movement for Mission (IPLMM)
The International Presentation Lay Movement for Mission is a worldwide evolving network of lay women and men who are committed, as Nano was, to ‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God’ (Micah 6:8).

International Presentation Lay Movement for Mission (IPLMM)
The International Presentation Lay Movement for Mission is a worldwide evolving network of lay women and men who are committed, as Nano was, to ‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God’ (Micah 6:8).